Hardcore Nesting

We hit Week 20 of Baby Brewing! The somewhat halfway marker—if the little one will play nice and stay cosy in there till full term, fingers crossed! Being in a pandemic and trying to stay safe with the virus that’s ever growing, clearly not much is happening in my life right now. So to stay sane I’ve just started nesting. And I mean like, hardcore nesting.

PREPPING FOR THE BABY (mentally and physically):

I’ve been Marie Kondo-ing our apartment, being RUTHLESS with items that I held on for “keepsake” (which was honestly, garbage). I’ve been knitting what I think is going to be a scarf. And this week, I put my ego aside and started attempt #2 of growing a balcony garden.


I failed MISERABLY last year, when we just moved in. I wanted to be that cool, chic, apartment living, aesthetically pleasing woman you used to see on Tumblr, but it wasn’t in the books for me. So this time, I started with really centering myself and letting the mummy instincts kick in. I made a quick visit to the nursery nearby this past week and got myself some baby planters for my Okra, Tomato and Chilli and of course, on the way out I swooped up some pretty looking/smelling plants (Mad Lee & Annabelle)

Mad Lee Bhaskaran

Mad Lee Bhaskaran



I’ve been using the term “nesting” a lot when I talk to people around me. My main goal is to clear out all the unnecessary items we own so that we can make for person number 3 in our household. I know Baby’s going to be small, and if you ratio-ed size to space, LOGICALLY it should mean Baby won’t take up that much space, but… I’ve heard and seen otherwise. We’ve been looking for good, long-lasting crib that will take care of Baby from Newborn to as big as baby can get. Actually, we need suggestions for these items, so if any of you are parents or around babies, please let us know in comments below:

  • Crib

  • Carseat

  • Rocker/Portable Seat

Baby Ella

Baby Ella

Baby Imogen

Baby Imogen

Also, can we talk about how expensive baby gear is?! For a tiny human that will outgrow it in a matter of months?! Like their clothes! I’m so, SO happy I picked up sewing! Haha. Speaking of which, I passed my Toddler Batik Dresses to two angels, Imogen and Ella, and just LOOK how CUTE?! I really should look into more gender neutral outfits, but let me tell you, once I learn how to make one item, I thoroughly enjoy just running on auto-pilot, watching Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills and sew, sew, sewing away. I really can’t be arsed to learn a new pattern right now, but I DO have 5 months left to this pregnancy, so, I have time… I think.


It’s been my favourite month. No sickness, much less fatigued, I’ve been so energetic, cleaning and picking up my hobbies I was too tired to do before.

I am also fully vaxxed! Which I’m so grateful for. Prior to the available walk-ins, I know it was super tough for pregnant mummies to get their appointments. There is this angel on Instagram @darlamzin who is working closely with KKM, and if you’re pregnant and need some help getting your appointment, please reach out to her. She’s really helped so many people and really, an angel. Her DMs are a little backed up but if you need some help, beep me on IG, I can help you get in touch with her too! It is SO important for pregnant people to know that we ARE high risk, and protecting ourselves and our baby (or BABIES if you’re carrying multiple!) from this virus is within reach for us now.

Best to speak to your gynaecologist before anything, but as official KKM has released, it is safe and recommended for mother’s above 12 weeks pregnant to get vaccinated!

My OBGYN told me to register for the vaccine the moment we met her at 8 weeks, and at that time, the recommended time to get vaxxed for pregnant mummies was 14 weeks! I waited till I was well out of 14 weeks to get my shot—just in case—and now I’m protected!

Last Thursday, we had out Foetal Anomaly (Detailed) Scan, and it was SO fun for Ryan and I. We got to spend 45 minutes with Baby (and doctor haha duh) and go through all Baby’s organs to make sure everything is in place and growing at the right rate—which they are! Baby is doing so well, I’m just so happy. I got to see Baby’s face (in 3D!) and now I can’t stop staring at the photo.

Baby’s Side Profile

Baby’s Side Profile

I am SO in love and it’s a kind of love I have never—and I mean NEVER—felt before. I was talking to Ryan yesterday in the car about previous loves and how I handled falling in love (spoiler: not well), and I remember the internal fire I felt inside me when I fell in love with people over the years. And it’s NOTHING like what I feel today. I’d go with the cliche “the feeling is indescribable” but wait, let me attempt to explain the feeling: The love is so exciting and feels like new, as though I’ve just fallen head over heels with a new beau, but to the level of wanting to vomit with anxiety, mixed with a so much pride in the fact that my body is MAKING that beautiful being I get to call my child. Seriously, even baby hitting all the normal markers on the chart during our last check up, I felt so proud, as though Baby just won the biggest competition of our lives—and we aren’t competing with ANYONE.

My GOODNESS, I can’t wait to meet my child.

Oh and… Baby kicks now!!! I can finally feel and acknowledge Baby’s existence without going for an ultrasound, which makes Baby feel so much closer to me. Prior to the kicking, I’d have to wait 4 weeks between ultrasound to be reminded there’s a tiny human inside me! Now Baby just reminds me everyday!

Well I’m off for now! We have our office area to tackle today. It’s a MESS. And it’s true what they say; Cleaning up means putting the mess somewhere else. Haha. Again, if you guys have any recommendations on baby gear to save up for/get our hands on, please drop a comment below!

Love from Ryan, Baby and I!



Announcing The Arrival


The “Glow” Up